
Red and It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World

            Red and It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World are both comedies that center around a group of people trying to get their goal.  I honestly feel that there are way more differences between the two films than there are similarities.  Because other than the fact that they are both Golden Fleece comedies, there really isn't that much the two share in common.

            First of all, the biggest difference is the goal that the groups in the two different movies are trying to reach.  In Red, they are seeking the truth, and in It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World they are seeking money.  The other vastly big difference between the two is that the characters in Red are smart.  They know where to go to get their goal, how to get it, and constantly out smart their opponents.  They also don't ever really back themselves into a corner.  In It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World the characters are insanely unintelligent.  If something can possibly go wrong in even the slightest way in a scene, it does.  Which is also my huge problem with the one trick pony that is It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World.  It's comedic effect gets lost after 30 minutes of the characters doing everything that you can possibly do wrong. Which was the exact opposite of Red, in which they do everything right every time.  However, in Red it was not obnoxious and repetitive.

1 comment:

  1. both of these movies were pretty different, but i think there were some similarities in some of the characters. granted some of them were pretty stupid, but the characters in each movie did end up exhibiting some level of teamwork that could be comparable to each other.
